Lawyer, expert in administrative law with relevant experience in public procurement. He carries out judicial and extrajudicial activities on behalf of public entities and private companies, both with regard to the tender phase and the subsequent execution phase.
He’s specialized in the procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors (special sectors).
He has also gained significant experience in antitrust compliance programs, to be combined with the models pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
Since February 2020 he has been Of Counsel of P&I Guccione e Associati firm
He is the author of numerous scientific publications on public procurement and carries out teaching activities both in the university and on behalf of various sector associations.
Adriano is the scientific coordinator of the “Master universitario di II livello in Teoria e Management degli Appalti Pubblici – TEMAP” (Theory and Management of public procurement) at Lumsa Master School.
Admitted to the Bar of Rome